Key Skills for Historic Environment Management
Our Keys Skills training supports heritage professionals in the public and private sectors, particularly in management and leadership roles. It will help you develop the knowledge and skills which underpin all heritage work and lead to resilient and diverse organisations.
Programme Aims
The training will share good practice in subjects common across many sectors and industries but with a Historic Environment focus. This will be a small programme at first, but over time will include topics such as data management, inclusivity, diversity and equality, health & wellbeing, and project management.
The training will help participants to:
- Apply key skills commonly needed to manage businesses, people and projects in a heritage context
- Use new and emerging systems and processes
- Advocate for good practice in our sector.
Working in Projects Using MoRPHE
Historic England’s guidance on the Management of Research Projects in the Historic Environment (MoRPHE) helps you plan and run an effective project. It is written for those working on planning research projects in the historic environment. The training walks you step by step through the guidance and allows you to test your knowledge.
Research Ethics and Integrity
This series of short courses introduce research principles, practices and research ethics: why they are important, how you should consider them, and how they can apply to your own research.
Topics in the series will include:
- An Introduction to Research Integrity
- Good Practice and Ethics
- Sustainability and Ethics
- Research Ethics Reviews
- Data Management and Ethics
- Collaborative Research
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