Lincoln High Street Heritage Action Zone

Repair and reinstatement of historic buildings, adaptive re-use, community engagement, public realm works and cultural activities.

The High Street is dominated by the view to the north of Lincoln Cathedral, which sits atop a road known as Steep Hill. While today that area is noted for the castle and many fine medieval and later buildings, the High Street has many important buildings scattered in amongst the more recent shopping developments.

On the High Street south of Lincoln Station alone there are 15 listed buildings and some, such as the Conduit, St Peter at Gowts church and St Mary’s Guildhall, are Grade I listed or scheduled monuments.

How the Lincoln High Street Heritage Action Zone will help

The High Street Heritage Action Zone funding will improve connections between the southern High Street and city centre by helping to mend the break in the High Street. Other proposals include restoration of The Barbican Hotel, St Mary's Guildhall and improved landscaping around St Mary le Wigford Church alongside a shop front restoration programme and Central Market improvements.

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Working in partnership with

  • City of Lincoln Council

High Streets