Keep fit class, Pioneer Health Centre, St Mary's Road, Southwark, Greater London

A group of women taking part in a 'keep fit' class at the Pioneer Health Centre. The caption on the back of this photograph reads: “Peckham mothers can keep that schoolgirl figure. The cares of house-keeping and raising a family can play havoc with a mother’s looks and bodily shapeliness". The Pioneer Health Centre, Peckham, was opened in 1926. The founders aimed to discover factors contributing to positive health, rather than simply an absence of illness. Due to its popularity with Peckham’s community, the Centre moved to a purpose-built building in 1935. The Centre created a large amount of national and international interest. With the establishment of the NHS in 1948, the Centre struggled to be accepted by policy-makers despite the positive support it had achieved. The Centre closed in 1950 but its ideals inspired further projects in the field of social biology.


Greater London Southwark


1930s (1930 - 1938)


people medicine health women