Dorothy Wilson's Hospital, Walmgate, York

This was an almshouse and schoolroom with a school master's house attached to the rear. It was established by the will of Dorothy Wilson who died in 1719. The almshouse was to provide for 10 poor women. It was originally housed in Dorothy Wilson's house which stood on this site. It was rebuilt as an almshouse in 1765 and was rebuilt again in 1812. A chantry school was also founded under the will and a school was incorporated into the same building. The schoolmaster's house was built in 1805 immediately behind the almshouse. Inside, a panel records the foundation in 1719 of Dorothy Wilson's Charity for the "Maintenance of ten poor Women as also for the instruction in English, Reading, Writing and Clothing of twenty poor Boys for ever".


York York


Georgian (1714 - 1836)


almshouse school education charity philanthropy Georgian (1714 - 1836)