Wellbeing and Heritage Conference
A call for papers, contributions, and activities from heritage practitioners, researchers and participants in heritage health and wellbeing projects for a conference to be held on 20-21 March 2024 at Delapre Abbey, Northampton. The deadline for submission of proposals is 15 January 2024.
Background to the conference
The heritage sector has done much in the last two decades to deepen its community engagement, widen access to its sites and activities, and support people’s wellbeing. Heritage organisations are increasingly putting health and wellbeing at the core of what they do. They are focusing their strategies and priorities on supporting communities, addressing big societal issues such as health inequalities and loneliness, and helping those in most need to find a safe space, respite and inspiration.
The evidence that heritage is good for health and wellbeing is growing. As more and more people struggle with a range of health and social issues, it is crucial that sectors, organisations and practitioners work together to help individuals and communities live better and feel supported. The Wellbeing and Heritage Conference 2024 provides an opportunity for the heritage sector to open up and reach out to new partners, communities and people to share evidence and data about the wealth of work that it has been doing, and the possibilities that it holds for supporting health and wellbeing.
We invite heritage practitioners, researchers and participants in heritage health and wellbeing projects or activities to submit proposals to present a paper (15 minutes), poster or lead an alternative format of presentation / workshop / activity (not more than 1 hour).
We encourage less formal and more engaging ways to create dialogue including free-style discussions and brainstorming activities, story sharing, performing and creative approaches. We particularly welcome contributions focusing on the lived experience of people engaging with heritage and its impact on health and wellbeing. We encourage lived experience experts to lead or participate in presentations and activities, and to shape their format.
Possible themes for contributions
Contributions may include (but are not limited to):
- The effects of heritage engagement on health and wellbeing
- Best practice and innovation for the evaluation of health and wellbeing in heritage projects
- Heritage, inclusivity and exclusion. How can we make heritage inclusive and accessible for people with health and wellbeing needs?
- Going beyond participation. How can communities better self-determine, govern and co-create in order to maximise wellbeing benefits and create sustainability?
- Uses of heritage in social prescribing and pathways to access. What are the barriers and opportunities?
- Models for working across sectors and organisations. How can heritage be embedded in health and social care?
Conference details and instructions for submitting abstracts
Participation in the conference is free. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Participants will need to cover their own travel and overnight accommodation. However, there is a small fund available to help participants whose expenses cannot be covered elsewhere. We will be looking to prioritise those with lived experience and those who are individual practitioners or from small charitable organisations. For further details please get in touch with Desi Gradinarova or Claire Corkhill (contact information below).
What proposals should include
The proposals should include the following:
- Name
- Organisation
- Job role / Lived experience
- Contact details including E-mail address: if multiple authors/participants, provide the information requested above for each
- Title
- Type of proposed activity (e.g. presentation / workshop / creative activity / other).
- Abstract / Summary / Short description of workshop, creative activity or other activity (approx. 250 words)
- Equipment needed beyond that required for ppt presentation. Please let us know if we can help with set up, formats or anything else to allow a safe, comfortable and authentic experience.
- Submit information as a Word document (no PDFs please)
- Submit the information requested above to: Desi Gradinarova at [email protected]
Deadline for submission of proposals: 15 January 2024
If you would like to informally discuss your ideas before submission, please get in touch with Desi Gradinarova at [email protected] or Claire Corkhill at [email protected]
We are looking forward to seeing you at Delapre abbey on 20-21 March 2024.
- Neil Redfern, Claire Corkill – CBA
- Linda Monckton, Desi Gradinarova – Historic England
- Richard Clinton – Delapre Abbey
- Joanna Sofaer – Southampton Institute for Arts and Humanities, University of Southampton
This event is organised and supported by Historic England, The Council for British Archaeology, Southampton Institute for Arts and Humanities (SIAH) and Delapre Abbey, with the participation and help of the sector-wide Wellbeing and Heritage Working Group.
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