View of Brighton beach
Brighton beach, Brighton, East Sussex © Historic England DP054389
Brighton beach, Brighton, East Sussex © Historic England DP054389

Culture and Sport Evidence Programme: CASE

Led by DCMS, Historic England collaborates with Arts Council England and Sport England on the Culture and Sport Evidence (CASE) programme.

CASE is a programme of strategic research which collects cross-cutting social and economic evidence to directly influence culture and sport policy.


The objectives of the CASE programme are to:

  • Understand how far current research and data can address the questions of value and what drives people to engage in culture and sport
  • Understand what types of data, analysis, research and resources CASE should provide to influence policy
  • Unfluence policy research by producing useful data resources and tools for others to use
  • Use CASE data to inform indicators and targets in future spending reviews
  • Become a recognised source of culture and sports policy research