Building Stones of England: Norfolk

This guide describes Norfolk's local building stones in their geological context. It includes examples of buildings and structures where the stones have been used.

This guide is one of a series for each English county. The guides draw on research and fieldwork with the British Geological Survey, geologists and building historians to compile the Building Stones of England Database.

The guides are aimed at mineral planners, building conservation advisers, architects and surveyors, and those assessing townscapes and countryside character.

The guides will also be of interest if you want to find out more about local buildings and geology.

Building stone sources and building examples

This companion spreadsheet to this guide provides:

  • More examples of buildings. Information is included on building type, date, architectural style, building stone source, and listed/scheduled status
  • A list of known (active and ceased) building stone sources such as quarries, mines, pits and delphs
  • Additional information on building stones including lithology, grain size, sedimentary structures, key identification features, and notes on failure/weathering, and use.

Additional Information

  • Series: Guidance
  • Publication Status: Completed
  • Pages: 78
  • Product Code: HEBSE28


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