Volume: Wharram Percy

Mar 2004
Wharram, Wharram Percy, Ryedale, North Yorkshire
Volume containing Graphic material
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In November 2001, an Archaeological Investigation Team based in English Heritage's York Office carried out a field observation on the village to inform the preparation of a Conservation Statement. This also concluded that a fresh survey could improve the understanding of the monument and its presentation to non-expert visitors.

These two strands culminated in the completion of a detailed investigation and survey of the earthworks, followed by a comprehensive geophysical survey by EH teams between January and September 2002. Contouring of the natural topography and control for the earthwork survey (including a network of temporary markers and two permanent markers) was established with Trimble differential GPS equipment, using two receivers working independently in real-time mode. The base receiver was subsequently related to the National Grid based on data obtained from OS Active GPS stations. Areas in woodland and scrub were surveyed using a Leica TC1610 theodolite. Due to the complexity of the earthworks, the majority of the analytical survey was carried out using traditional graphical techniques. The geophysical survey carried out in the wake of the earthwork survey was related to the plan.


This is part of the Series: EHC01/030 English Heritage Sites; within the Collection: EHC01 English Heritage(EH):Archive

This Volume is divided into 11 Child Records
This Volume contains the following materials:
Computer Generated Plot: 4
Measured Survey: 7


© Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Archaeological Field Investigator: Oswald, Alastair


Medieval Longhouse, Medieval Manor, Medieval Toft, Early Medieval Quarry, Medieval Croft, Early Medieval Cross, Early Medieval Inhumation, Early Medieval House, Early Medieval Grubenhaus, Medieval Church, Early Medieval Settlement, Medieval Deserted Settlement, Medieval Trackway, Medieval House, Medieval Park