Sub Series: Paintings and Drawings of Ancient Crosses

1750 - 1900
Sub Series containing Graphic material
Placeholder image for archive collection
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A set of twenty-four drawings and watercolour paintings depicting ancient crosses in England. The artworks were collected by C G Harper to aid his research into ancient crosses for a publication, which does not appear to have been completed.

Within the set are seventeen artworks by William Alexander (April 1767 - July 1816), an English painter who was also Assistant Keeper of Antiquities at the British Museum. Two of the artworks are by Sir Henry Charles Englefield (1752 - 1822), an English scientist and antiquary, and a further two are possibly by the artist John Wykeham Archer. Three of the artworks are by an unknown artist.


This is part of the Series: CGH01/02 Drawings, sketches, photographic prints, engravings and notes relating to Ancient Crosses, compiled by C G Harper; within the Collection: CGH01 Charles George Harper Collection

This Sub Series is divided into 24 Child Records
This Sub Series contains the following materials:
Drawing: 4
Painting: 20


Source: Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Artist: Alexander, William

Artist: Englefield, Henry Charles

Artist: Archer, W


Early Medieval Cross, Medieval Cross