Series: RCHME Inventory of the Soke of Peterborough (Unpublished)

1920 - 1929
City Of Peterborough
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The material in this series was created by the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England in the 1920s as part of their investigations of the historical monuments in the area known as the Soke of Peterborough. The intended volume was not published.

This set of material comprises handwritten notes with accompanying sketches and photographs, and sketch drawings, that were created by the RCHME in the course of their investigations, and form an extensive resource for the study of historic buildings and monuments in the area.


This is part of the Sub Collection: RCH01/01 RCHME Inventory Volumes; within the Collection: RCH01 Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (RCHME) Archive

This Series is divided into 1 Child Sub Series


Source: Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Creator of Archive: Royal Commission On The Historical Monuments Of England