Series: Portraiture

1946 - 1980
Series containing Photographic material
Placeholder image for archive collection
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Potential material for the National Portrait Gallery, including:

AA088746 - AA088917: Textile designers including Lucienne Day AA088918 - AA089041: Textile designers and Cotton Board AA089083 - AA089093: Cotton Board; John Siddeley? AA089094 - AA089296: Cotton Board; Textile designers; Women AA089297 - AA089370: Cotton Board; Textile designers: Men AA092729 - AA092731: Artist Margaret Thomas (b.1916) AA100861 - AA100865: Ivory Casket

And unnumbered material including images of John and Marie Gay, portraits of Peter Hetherington, Gustav and Imogen Holst, Macdonald Hastings and family, Denys James Watkins-Pitchford (known as 'B B').

These images have been catalogued at series level only.


This is part of the Collection: GAY01 John Gay Collection

This Series is divided into 1 Child Sub Series
This Series contains the following materials:
Photograph (Negative): 735


© Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Photographer: Gay, John