Series: Eileen Deste: Nelson and Colne

1966 - 1974
Series containing Photographic material
Placeholder image for archive collection
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In the late 1960s Dusty Deste set off for northern England to record the buildings, people and landscapes associated with the industries of East Lancashire and West Yorkshire before they were lost. The images within this group focus particularly on areas associated with the declining cotton and woollen industries. Also included are scenes of urban decay, post-war regeneration and rural life. The series contains 767 predominantly black & white negatives of which 725 have been digitized and catalogued. The remainder are mainly duplicates along with a small number of poor quality views.


This is part of the Collection: DES01 Eileen Deste Collection

This Series is divided into 723 Child Records
This Series contains the following materials:
Photograph (Negative): 767


© Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Photographer: Deste, Eileen