Series: Series of photographic negatives and prints taken by John Cornwell, documenting industrial archaeology includings iron and steel works, blast furnaces, forges and metal works

1970 - 1979
Series containing Photographic material
Placeholder image for archive collection
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This is part of the Collection: COR01 John Cornwell Collection

This Series is divided into 123 Child Records
This Series contains the following materials:
Photograph (Negative): 123


© John Cornwell

People & Organisations

Photographer: Cornwell, John


Victorian Metal Works, 20th Century Steel Works, Hanoverian Warehouse, Post Medieval Watermill, 20th Century Blast Furnace, Hanoverian Blast Furnace, Post Medieval Blast Furnace, Stuart Blast Furnace, Georgian Forge, Hanoverian Forge, Post Medieval Forge, Georgian Iron Furnace, Hanoverian Iron Furnace, Stuart Iron Furnace, 20th Century Iron Works, Early 20th Century Iron Works, Georgian Iron Works, Hanoverian Iron Works, Post Medieval Iron Works, Victorian Iron Works, Industry, People At Work