Job: Battle Abbey 4 - Dorter Range, first floor/roof covering and rain water drainage almost complete

12 Apr 1984
Battle Abbey, Dorter, Battle, Rother, East Sussex
Job containing Photographic and Textual material
Placeholder image for archive collection
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Envelope containing 23 black and white photographs showing details of the new first floor / roof covering and rainwater drainage scheme for the dorter range, when nearing completion. All the photographs were taken in April 1984. Each of the prints is stamped by the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England (now English Heritage), is dated and has handwritten number and caption details on the reverse.


This is part of the Volume: FL00507 Battle Abbey 4; within the Series: OWS01/01 The 'Blue Albums'; within the Collection: OWS01 Office of Works and Successors: Ancient Monuments and Historic Buildings

This Job is divided into 23 Child Records
This Job contains the following materials:
Photograph (Print): 23
File: 1


© Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Creator of Archive: English Heritage

Creator of Archive: Historic Buildings And Monuments Commission For England


Abbey, Drain, Dormitory, Renovation, Construction