Collection: Rupert Potter Collection

05 May 1893 - Sep 1912
Collection containing Photographic material
Placeholder image for archive collection
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The Rupert Potter Collection consists of 295 prints, 274 of which show Greater London, whilst the remainder show areas of Kent, Cumbria, Dorset and Oxfordshire.

The photographs taken in Greater London show a wide variety of scenes, from construction work in progress at the Royal Automobile Club in Pall Mall to scaffolding being erected in Trafalgar Square in preparation for the coronation of King George V in 1911. There are also prints showing a variety of parades around the capital. Others show new housing developments in north London, and the construction of the city's tramway. There are 24 scenes of animals and visitors at the Regent's Park Zoo. The photographs taken in Oxfordshire depict views around Oxford's Colleges, and in Kent there are views of the Royal Military Canal and Canterbury.

Rupert Potter (1832 - 1914) was the father of Beatrix Potter, and there are several photographs with connections to her life. These include a view from her birthplace and childhood home at 2 Bolton Gardens in Kensington, and Lake District views from the holiday home of the Potter family.

Archival History

Received Via : Donated by Tony Rumsey, NMR, 1991 Provenance : Many of the photographs signed by R Potter, photographs date from 1893 - 1912


This Collection is divided into 217 Child Records
This Collection contains the following materials:
Photograph (Print): 295


Source: Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Photographer: Potter, Rupert William

Person of historic interest/notable pers: Potter, Beatrix