Collection: Cecil A Hewett Historic Carpentry Drawings Collection

1974 - 1985
Collection containing Photographic, Graphic and Textual material
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The collection contains small format sketch drawings relating to the pioneering analysis of timber framed buildings in England by Cecil Alec Hewett (1926-1998).

His drawings cover a variety of English cathedrals, abbeys and churches but also secular structures. They are very informative despite being almost entirely without scale. The drawings range from details of roof joints and door details to complete timber frames. They are occasionally accompanied by photographs, slides, typescript or manuscript notes, correspondence and printed leaflets. Many drawings were used in Hewett's publications including: 'English Cathedral Carpentry' (1974), 'English Historic Carpentry' (1980), and 'English Cathedral and Monastic Carpentry' (1985).

There is a handlist to the collection.

Archival History

Cecil Hewett studied a variety of crafts at Chelmsford School of Art and University College, Swansea. After 19 years as a school teacher he took up posts in Historic Buildings Divisions of the Greater London Council and then Essex County Council. Hewett began his research during his school teaching days and his pioneering methods for dating timber framed buildings gained prominence with his analysis of barns at Cressing Temple, Essex. He was also a talented silversmith, potter and model maker.

The collection was transferred to the NMR by Essex Record Office in July 2007 who retain the Essex component of the collection.


This Collection is divided into 1 Child Volume
This Collection contains the following materials:
Photograph (35mm Slide): 4
Photograph (Postcard - Photographic): 2
Photograph (Print): 90
Sketch: 780
Correspondence: 12
Loose Notes: 98
Pamphlet: 8
Postcard - Correspondence: 2


© Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Creator of Archive: Hewett, Cecil A


Timber Framed Building