Collection: British Coal: copies of drawings of colliery workings

Collection containing Photographic and Graphic material
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This material has not yet been fully catalogued. Copyright, date, and quantity information for this record may be incomplete or inaccurate.

The collection contains about 6000 microfilm aperture cards of drawings of colliery buildings in Staffordshire. A log book register of drawings is also present.

Alongside this are about 300 original drawings of site plans and colliery buildings located in the North of England, and owned by British Coal (formely the National Coal Board). They date from 1899 to 1994. A handlist is available

Archival History

Received Via : British Coal (Mansfield Office), 1994 Provenance : Record of mine workings, pits and plant operated by National Coal Board/British Coal


This Collection contains the following materials:
Microfilm: 6,000
Measured Drawing: 300