Collection: The Alexander Keiller Collection

1925 - 1939
Collection containing Photographic and Textual material
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The collection is organised into two parts: - A copy of Alexander Keiller's 120 page notebook containing notes on aerial fieldwork and other site visits in England and Scotland undertaken c.1925 - 1928, as well as bibliographic references to these sites. The Wessex material was published in "Wessex from the Air" by O.G.S. Crawford and Keiller in 1928. There are also several pages of 'Limericks on Windmill Hill' written by Keiller.

-Two sets of identical colour slides taken at Avebury and the West Kennet Avenue in 1938 and 1939. (Set 2/3 contains 550 slides, Set 3/3 contains 549 slides). The slides show general views around the henge and along West Kennet Avenue both before and after excavation and restoration work. Others show the excavation of banks and ditches and the re-erection of stones in process. There are also several slides which depict maps and plans of the area, archaeological finds from the site and a reconstructed face (possibly the Barber Surgeon).

Archival History

Received Via : Alexander Keiller Museum: High Street Avebury Wiltshire SN8 1RF Provenance : Alexander Keiller Museum: National Trust manage the collection under an agreement with English Heritage. Originals held at Alexander Keiller Museum, Avebury. RCHME produced three sets of copy slides, one set for Alexander Keiller Museum and two sets for NMR; both NMR sets are stored within the archive. Collection probably dates from excavations undertaken 1937 to 1939 The collection was given to the nation by Gabrielle Keiller and is the property of the Secretary of State by virtue of a Deed of Gift in 1966.


This Collection is divided into 2 Child Series
This Collection contains the following materials:
Photograph (35mm Slide): 1,099
Notebook: 1


© Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Creator of Archive: Keiller, Alexander