Statues of five guardsmen on the Guards Memorial by Horse Guards Parade, Westminster. It was unveiled in 1926 and commemorates the 14,000 Guardsmen who died in the First World War.
Guards Memorial by Horse Guards Parade, Westminster. It was unveiled in 1926 and commemorates the 14,000 Guardsmen who died in the First World War.
Guards Memorial by Horse Guards Parade, Westminster. It was unveiled in 1926 and commemorates the 14,000 Guardsmen who died in the First World War.

Help Look After War Memorials

If there’s a war memorial near you that you care about, here are some ways you could get involved in looking after it.

Get advice on its repair and conservation

Apply to fund repairs or conservation work for your war memorial

Grants are available from War Memorials Trust. Find out what makes a project eligible for their funding, how they prioritise projects and how to apply for a grant.

Apply to protect it through listing

Anybody can put forward a local memorial for protection through listing. First, find out if your local memorial is listed already. If it isn't listed, you could apply to get it protected by listing.

Below is a gallery of some listed war memorials. Please click on the images to enlarge.

Be part of the Missing Pieces Project

Is your local war memorial listed? If it is, why not share your knowledge and photos to the National Heritage List for England (known as the List) for others to discover?

Every snapshot and story you add is an important piece of the picture. And the more pieces of the picture we have, the better we can work together to protect what makes these places special.

Find your local memorial on the List

Research and record a memorial

Volunteers across the country, together with Historic England, IWM and War Memorials Trust, have worked to ensure that online information about war memorials is as accessible as possible.

The IWM’s War Memorials Register is now a central point to find important research about memorials. It links to:

The War Memorials Register also holds the names of over 1 million men and women named on memorials across the country, allowing everyone to search which memorials family members are commemorated on.