Our Website Accessibility
At Historic England we are committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability.
We are actively working to increase the accessibility and usability of all of our websites and we have been working hard to ensure our main website, HistoricEngland.org.uk is compliant.
Website Accessibility Statement
At the same time we are actively working through a backlog of legacy websites. Since 2018 five of our older, less accessible websites have been successfully improved or migrated into our main website. We remain committed to bringing them all in line with the standards and guidelines over the coming months.
Please view statements for our other active sites below.
Accessibility Statements for Other Historic England websites
Accessibility Statement for Greater London Historic Environment Record (GLHER)
How Online Designation Application Form meets Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations
Heritage Calling Blog
How HeritageCalling.com meets Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations
Heritage Data
How Heritage Data meets Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations
Heritage Gateway
How Heritage Gateway meets Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations
Historic England Foundation
How the Historic England Foundation meets Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations
Listing and Designation Application Form
How Online Designation Application Form meets Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations
Accessibility Statement for the Historic England Learning Platform
How Online Designation Application Form meets Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations
Historic England Newsletter Signup
How Newsletter Preference Centre meets Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations
Open Data Hub
How our Open Data Hub meets Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations
StoryMaps Accessibility Statement
How Historic England StoryMaps meet Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations
Wreck of the Week Blog
How Wreck of the Week meets Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations