Publication Scheme
This is Historic England’s Guide to Information, which lists the information that we routinely make publicly available. We follow the model publication scheme provided by the Information Commissioner's Office.
The Freedom of Information Act requires us to publish information under certain headings, termed 'classes'.
Information regarding which services are charged for and links to costs can also be found here.
Class 1: Who we are and what we do
Organisational information, structures, locations and contacts.
Roles & responsibilities
Executive Team
The Chief Executive is supported by an Executive Team comprising the Executive Directors of Historic England's five operational groups.
About Us
Historic England is the public body that helps people care for, enjoy and celebrate England's spectacular historic environment.
Who We Are
Historic England's senior management, governance and standards.
What We Do
Learn about Historic England's role to protect England's historic environment, and how we go about it.
Organisational chart
High-Level Historic England Organogram
Senior executives and management board members
Biographies of the members of the Executive Team
Gender pay gap data
Historic England Gender Pay Gap Report 2021
The locations and contact details
Find out how to get in touch with our national and regional offices.
Class 2: What we spend and how we spend it
Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit.
Financial statements, budgets and variance reports
Transparency Data
This section gives details of our expenditure over £25,000 and tenders and contacts over £10,000.
Expenditure over £25,000
A set of documents that set out our expenditure of over £25,000 and also include grants that we have given in 2016.
Tenders and Contracts
Tender documents for goods and services over £10,000.
Regional and Local Expenditure
A summary of Historic England's annual expenditure on a regional and local basis.
Find a contract
Explore and search business opportunities
Capital programme
Historic England's Annual Report and Accounts 2021/22 includes the audited accounts and performance and accountability reports.
Spending reviews
Historic England's Annual Report and Accounts 2021/22 includes the audited accounts and performance and accountability reports.
Financial audit reports
Historic England's Annual Report and Accounts 2021/22 includes the audited accounts and performance and accountability reports.
Senior staff and board members’ allowances and expenses
Pay and grading structures
Historic England's Annual Report and Accounts 2021/22 includes the audited accounts and performance and accountability reports.
Procurement and tendering procedures
Details of how to tender for projects under the Heritage Protection Commissions (HPC).
Financial statements for projects and events
Historic England's Annual Report and Accounts 2021/22 includes the audited accounts and performance and accountability reports.
Internal financial regulations
Historic England's Annual Report and Accounts 2021/22 includes the audited accounts and performance and accountability reports.
Class 3: What our priorities are and how we are doing
Strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews
Strategic Plans and Annual Business Plan
Our Corporate Plan provides a framework for our work as an organisation with a focus on six priority areas.
Annual report
Read our latest Annual Report and Accounts.
Internal and external performance reviews
Corporate Plan
Our Corporate Plan provides a framework for our work as an organisation with a focus on six priority areas.
Historic England Tailored Review
A review to assess the ongoing need for Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs) and scrutinising a number of key areas.
Class 4: How we make decisions
Decision making processes and records of decisions.
Major policy proposals and decisions
Our Planning Services
Find out about the services we offer to support people involved in managing change to the historic environment.
See our extensive range of expert advice to help you care for and protect historic places.
Search the List
Search the only official list of protected historic sites. Use our map search to see which buildings or sites are protected.
Find out about the role of Historic England's committees.
Background information relating to major policy proposals and decisions
Our Corporate Plan provides a framework for our work as an organisation with a focus on six priority areas.
Public consultations
From time to time we invite feedback on draft versions of our strategic plans and formal advice and guidance, and respond to government consultations.
Minutes of senior level meetings
Commission meeting minutes
Internal communications guidance and criteria used for decision making ie process systems and key personnel
How We Determine Whether a Historic Building or Site Should be Recommended for Protection
Find out what we consider when recommending a building or site for listing.
Technical Guidance
See our guidance on conserving buildings, making historic places accessible for disabled people, dealing with flooding and surveying.
Latest Advice and Guidance
Find out what advice and guidance we have published in the last six months.
A-Z of Guidance
Browse and download from our A-Z list of Historic England advice and guidance.
Class 5: Policies and procedures
Current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering services and responsibilities.
Policies and procedures for the provision of services
Access to Information
Here you can find out about our data protection policy and how you can access any of your information that we may hold.
How We Determine Whether a Historic Building or Site Should be Recommended for Protection
Find out what we consider when recommending a building or site for listing.
Conservation Principles
Here you can find information on the Conservation Principles that Historic England uses.
Research Strategy and Agenda
The Research Strategy and Agenda for Historic England sets out what research we do or fund and is a tool for collaboration with academic researchers
Archive Policies and Guidance
Policies and guidance from the Historic England Archive.
Guidance for Grants Projects
This guide will help you apply for grant funding from Historic England through the Heritage Protection Commissions and Capacity Building Programme.
Access Policy
This policy applies to the holdings of the Historic England Archive (HEA). It does not relate to records held elsewhere in Historic England.
Policies and procedures for the recruitment and employment of staff
The Rules We Follow
The downloadable pdfs on this page explain how the Commission and its advisory committees operate.
Working for us
Interested in a career at Historic England? We’re always looking for passionate people with fresh perspectives to join us.
Everyone's Welcome
We’re looking for new ways to promote the past. To make it inclusive to all, we need people with fresh perspectives, from all walks of life, to join.
Customer service
Contact Us
Find out how to get in touch with our national and regional offices.
Contact Us About Advisory Services
Who to talk to about our advisory service and provide feedback.
Access to Information
Here you can find out about our data protection policy and how you can access any of your information that we may hold.
Records management and personal data policies
What Information Do We Collect and Why?
We only ever collect the information we need in order to carry out our statutory purposes and that helps us to deliver and improve our services.
Archive Policies and Guidance
Policies and guidance from the Historic England Archive.
Charging regimes and policies
Prices for the Enhanced Advisory Services
As a public body we aim to cover the costs of these services. For each service we will assess your case and provide a cost estimate.
Archive Price List
Find out more about our free and paid-for services and other charges that may apply when you use our Archive.
Information Request Charges
We do not generally charge for information included in our Publication Scheme, but here you can find out where charges may apply and who to contact.
Class 6: Lists and registers
Public registers and registers held as public records
Search the only official list of protected historic sites. Use our map search to see which buildings or sites are protected.
Disclosure logs
Responses to requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.
Any register of interests kept in the department
A record of any significant, ongoing interest which a member may have.
Class 7: The services we offer
Latest Advice and Guidance
Find out what advice and guidance we have published in the last six months.
Media releases
Keep up to date with our latest news stories.